Acerca del baño y el cepillado...
Publicadas por
Du La Campagne
on sábado, agosto 19, 2006
Comments: (2)
Muy pocos, un cepillado cada 15 dias y baño cada 2 meses, al cepillar arrastramos el subpelo que va mudando y que esta enganchado en el pelo largo. Cuanto menos baño le hagamos mejor porque asi el pelo mantiene la proteccion natural. No presenta mayor dificultades en su cuidado.
Cachorros/Puppies y algo de su descripción.
Publicadas por
Du La Campagne
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The dog has been man's best friend for thousands of years. The friendly, obedient animals serve people throughout the world in work, play and sports. Dogs live near the Eskimo's igloo, in jungle villages, in farm houses and in city apartments. Many dogs have given their own lives to save or protect their masters. Dogs guard the home and herd cattle and sheep. Their keen sense of smell makes them fine hunting companions. Dogs were the first animals to be tamed by man. Most dogs can be trained to guard their masters' homes and property. Bloodhounds track down criminals. Specially-trained Seeing Eye dogs lead blind persons. Thus man has bred a large variety of dogs each with distinct characters and abilities.In the 6-part series "CATS & DOGS" , we look at several breeds of cats & dogs, chosen according to character. This brave dog is the Briard.Information: WWW.FAUNAFILM.NL